Monday 5 September 2011

‘Save Sharmila’ campaign

Several NGOs have decided to launch a two-month long nationwide signature campaign to support Irom Sharmila’s decade-long struggle against the controversial Armed Forces (Special) Powers Act.   The human rights activist from Manipur has been on a hunger strike since November 2, 2000 to have the act, which provides unlimited powers to security forces to shoot at sight and arrest anybody without a warrant, repealed.
She launched the indefinite hunger strike after she witnessed the killing of 10 people by armymen in Malom, on the outskirts Imphal.
The ‘Save Sharmila’ campaign will be held from October 2 to December 10.
The signatures will be handed over to President Pratibha Patil on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day on December 10, followed by a peace march in Delhi, from India Gate to Rashtrapati Bhawan.

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